Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Next Meeting Date: June 19, 2012
Review/Approval of any available drafted minutes
Public Hearings:
Town of Newbury (6 Kent Way) – A continued NOI to construct 2 little league ball fields, 3 basketball courts, 1 skateboard area and a 55-space parking lot.
Mike Brennan (4 Basin Front Drive) – NOI to extend outside deck 80 square feet and construct a new 42 square foot deck.
Harry Trout (36 Fordham Way) – RDA to install solar panels.
Mark & Carol Lynne Greenberg (33 Southern Blvd) – A continued NOI to construct decks; expand an existing deck and add new deck to southeast side of dwelling.
Mark Greenberg (33 Southern Blvd) – RDA to install a temporary staircase for beach access and a 3’X5’ temporary platform secured with hand-driven posts/
Harrington Moore (108 Pine Island Road) – NOI to construct an addition and a screened in porch to existing single-family.
Robert Britton (11 Blue Hill Ave) – NOI to replace existing rip rap bulkhead with new “shea” system bulkhead upland of the existing; also remove existing rip rap from tidal flat.
Michael Pasaturo (31 Orchard Street) – RDA to install new leaching field; existing septic tank to remain in use.
Patti Tricket (30 School Street) – NOI to replace an existing septic system.
Alberta Nutile (51 Hay Street) – RDA to replace existing septic system.
Bruce & Valerie Haase (47 Hanover Street) – NOI to replace an existing sanitary disposal system with 100-feet of wetland.
Edward Riley (85 Elm Street) – NOI to construct a single-family dwelling with driveway and a sanitary disposal system within 100-feet of wetland.
John Sawyer (5 Independence Way) – NOIU to create a 15’X15’ parking area.
Timothy Drost ((16 Northern Blvd) – An NOI to add two dormers and other various repairs.
John Morris (11 Dartmouth Way) – RDA to construct a roof deck.
John & Victoria Fiorante (70 Green St) – RDA to install a pool.
Boat Camp Nature School (82 Boston Road) – RDA to construct an entry drive off Boston Road, gravel parking area and erect a temporary rain shelter and place porta-potty type restrooms within 100-feet of a wetland.
Sean Scales (10 Donnas Way) – RDA to resurface existing clamshell driveway, install new fence and plant native species.
Brenda Hoover (6 Orchard Street) – RDA to replace existing leach field; existing septic to remain in place.
Certificates of Compliance:
Aimee Blouin (5 Collins Way) – DEP File No. 050-976 to demolish existing and reconstruct single -family home.
Genovese/Ryan (18 14th Street) – DEP File No. 050-1066 for internal renovations and the residing of house replace roof & windows and rebuild front & back decks.
McManamy/Abouchleih (62 Old Point Road) – DEO File No. 050-1047 for the repair of existing dwelling and re-vegetation of gravel area.
Colby Village Condominium Trust (176 Elm Street/Colby Lane) – DEP File No. 050-674
Extension Permit’s: None
Emergency Certificate: None
Other Business:
Scotland Woods Conservation Restriction
The listing of matters are as those reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.